Wednesday, May 02, 2007

I'm back to melaka and it's raining now and I'm so happy because I like rainy day!

Oh ya, I have linked Adelene in my blog so my dear sweethearts and darlings sekalian feel free to drop by her blog!

Finals is around the corner and I'm stuffing myself with notes again. I hope I can do my finals in my dream so when I wake up my finals already over and I can go Perhentian Island! Yuhhuuuu!! I cant wait!!

I have received my TIME magazine! This month headline's "Trying To Make Sense of a Massacre", the tragedy happened in Virginia Tech University. The murderer, Cho Seung-Hui killed 32 students and himself at Virginia Tech. This is the worst Violence happened in US campuses. I wonder if this thing will happen in Malaysia one day where you were having lecture and suddenly a guy came in and shoot everyone. My god, this is so scary!

I'm getting numb to people's reaction and gossip, compared to last time I will have a huge reaction towards all these gossip and nonsense but now I'm alright with all these shit. I wonder when these people can realise their silly action. I have seen people talking bad about others while at the same time he/she is doing the same shit, I have seen people telling people about this and at the back they are doing something else, I have seen people who talk bad about their friends and in front of their friends they are so friendly and nice and I have also seen people thinking its resonable to take advantage on their friends. Maybe all these people thought that their friends do not know what they are doing to 
them but actually they do. So people, be wise what goes around comes around.

Life, life, life.

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